Our Distinguished Stories

Delima Bhagat
" My first time hearing about Sigma Sigma Rho, I was skeptical, especially because of all of the stereotypes surrounding Greek life. That quickly changed when I got to know the sisters better and saw how much of a close-knit family they were. From road trips to little adventures, it seemed like something I would be lucky to be a part of. After joining, my suspicions were true, and my friends became my family. Now, Sigma Sigma Rho has given me the opportunity to understand that minority women can have an impact in our community, and I can't imagine my life without my letters. "

Vaidehi Dhutia
" My roommates pretty much dragged me to go to an SSR informational but little did I know rushing was going to be one of the best decisions of my life. Reading stories about sorority life and talking to girls who were in Greek life never really interested me, but with the sisters of SSR it was different. Before even becoming a sister I felt like I truly belonged here, it was like my home away from home. Often times college can be a lonely time and a period of confusion where nothing seems to be going right, but having sisters that support you through everything and anything has made my first two years of college an unbelievably amazing experience. It's this special connection that each and everyone of us share that I could not be more thankful for and I couldn't be more honored to say I am a part of a sisterhood that strives for nothing but the best. "

Priya Patel
" I joined Sigma Sigma Rho for many reasons, but one of the most prominent ones was to have a family home-away from-home and to have a place with sisters to go to when I need them. I wanted to be a part of a close-knit sisterhood that consisted of girls from all different backgrounds and personalities. I was always the type of girl to join a typical sorority, but I never knew which one. When I attended rush events for Sigma Sigma Rho, I instantly fell in love with the girls I interacted with as well as their philanthropy, and I knew that this was the place for me! After joining the sorority, I have loved every second of it, and I wouldn’t change any part of it for the world. "

Aami Patel
" A lot of people have this misconception that sororities buy their friends or that we all just party all the time. That's far from the truth. As an incoming freshmen, I was overwhelmed by all the changes and the amount of organizations provided at UAB. Joining a Greek organization was definitely out of the question seeing that my friends were all against joining anything Greek related. It wasn't til my junior year where I finally decided, "What the heck, why not!" Since then, I've gained a lifetime of friendship all across the nation. I've gotten to travel from coast to coast creating endless memories with strong independent women I'm proud of to call my sisters. I've gained three amazing littles and six passionate kids. I have Sigma Sigma Rho to thank for that. "

Sharan Kaur
" I originally joined SSR because I wanted to find a place at UAB where I felt that I belonged. I wanted a place where I can have friends and a family, and somewhere that I know I could turn to in times of need. However, as I got to know the sisters and the sorority, I found that SSR started to hold a different meaning in my eyes. I saw all the passion that all the sisters had not just for the organization, but for each other. I saw how the philanthropy gave each sister a purpose to stand for. I saw how each sister brought a unique aspect that made the sorority whole. Seeing the drive everyone had made me want to have that same passion and vigor that was in each sister’s eyes. I found that Sigma Sigma Rho is the perfect place where I can express myself freely and have a place that I can call home. "

Alisha Narsingani
Coming into college, I was never planning on joining a sorority, in fact I was completely turned off by them due to the stereotypes. One day during my spring semester of freshman year, I reluctantly decided to get lunch with a sister. Little did I know, that one lunch date would literally change my life for the better. A couple days after lunch, I went to a rush event and within 10 minutes I already felt so comfortable around all the sisters!!
My decision to apply to Sigma Sigma Rho has given me so many opportunities to come out of my shell and show UAB who I am. I’ve gained the confidence to apply to and hold several leadership positions both within the sorority and outside of. With the help of my sisters, I’ve learned to become more open and the best version of myself.