Southern Regional Awards 2018
Alumni of the Year, Aami Patel
Alumni of the Year, Krishonna Payne
Most Diverse Chapter
Student Excellence Awards, 2018
Award for Excellence in Leadership, Community, Philanthropy, & Service
Sorority Woman of the Year, Simmi Kaur
President of the Year, Simmi Kaur
Chapter of the Year
Excellence in Community Service
Highest GPA on the Multicultural Greek Council
Sigma Sigma Rho National Convention 2018
Chapter that exemplifies Sisterhood
Alumni of the Year, Aami Patel
Additional Awards
Most Hype Award (MGC Kickoff)
Homecoming Court Ms. UAB Top 5, Vishwadha Gunda and Sharan Kaur
Southern Regional Awards 2017
Most Creative Sister, Aami Patel
Additional Awards 2017
1st Place Stroll Competition Presented by UAB Blazerthon
Most Hype Award (MGC Kick-off)
Miss UAB 2018, Vishwadha Gunda
Student Excellence Awards, 2017
Award for Excellence in Leadership, Community, Philanthropy, & Service
Sigma Sigma Rho National Convention 2017
Most Diverse, Fastest Growing, and Most Reppin' Award
Sister of the Year Award, Aami Patel
The National Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Panhellenic Association Convention 2017
Multicultural Greek Council at University of Alabama at Birmingham as Outstanding University Council
Homecoming Court Ms. UAB Top 5, Erica Webb
Southern Regional Awards 2016
Award for Academic Excellence, Ramitha Nyalakonda
Student Excellence Awards, 2016
MGC Sorority Chapter Overall Excellence Award
Award for Excellence in Leadership, Community, Philanthropy, & Service
Sigma Sigma Rho National Convention 2016
Chapter of the Year Award
Award for best representation of "Society"
Award for Southern Neo of the Year, Erica Webb
Southern Regional Awards 2015
Award for Academic Excellence, Ramitha Nyalakonda
Student Excellence Awards, 2015
MGC Sorority Chapter Excellence Award
Award for Excellence in Leadership, Community, Philanthropy, & Service
Sigma Sigma Rho National Convention 2015
Chapter of the Year Award
Southern Regional Awards 2014
UAB chartered to Kappa Chapter
Award for Most Responsible Sister, Tulsi Patel
Award for Academic Excellence, Ramitha Nyalakonda
Award for Southern Neo of the Year, Tracy Yocom
Student Excellence Awards, 2014
Sorority Woman of the Year, Pratiti Gandhi
Greek Hall of Fame, Pratiti Gandhi
Award for Excellence in Community, Philanthropy & Service
Sigma Sigma Rho National Convention 2014
Plaque for receiving Kappa Chapter Status
New Member of the Year, Tracy Yocom
Alumnae of the Year, Mariam Ladhani
President of the Year, Pratiti Gandhi
Exemplary Leadership Scholarship, Pratiti Gandhi
Past Achievements
Most Greek Spirit on MGC (2011)
MGC President of the Year, Hershika Patel (2011)
Highest GPA on MGC (2013-2014)